Isn't It Romantic
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, Isn’t it Romantic arrives to tell us “romantic comedies are stupid and you’re stupid for liking them,...

Bohemian Rhapsody
To say I did not know much about Queen going into Bohemian Rhapsody would be an understatement. Watching Wayne’s World on VHS was the...

Top 10 Movies of 2018
2018 was a year of incredible films across all genres. I was able to see more movies than ever this year than ever and really enjoyed...

Bottom 5 Movies of 2018
While 2018 was an awesome year for movies, there were still plenty of disappointing films going around. Luckily, I did a great job...

About one of the most interesting, disliked, and secretive men of the past century, Vice tells the story of Dick Cheney and his rise to...